Web Content Management

Authoring Guide

In our commitment to digital excellence and accessibility, we've curated a comprehensive resource hub designed to empower our state employees with the knowledge and tools needed to create, manage, and optimize digital experiences that serve all Pennsylvanians.

Getting Started in AEM

Jumpstart your AEM journey with our easy-to-follow guide. From logging in for the first time to navigating the AEM interface, get acquainted with the basics.

Accessing AEM

Whether it’s your first time logging in or you need a refresher on secure access protocols, this section provides all the information you need to start your AEM journey confidently.

How to Access AEM

Navigating AEM

Discover how to efficiently find your way through the AEM interface, utilize essential features, and streamline your workflow.

How to Navigate AEM

User Groups & Permissions

Learn how to effectively manage access, delegate tasks, and protect sensitive content.

User Groups & Permissions

Authoring in AEM

From adding text and media to leveraging dynamic components, this section equips you with the skills to author captivating digital experiences.

Authoring in AEM

Publishing Content

This guide outlines the steps to ensure your content is ready for the public eye, including final checks, approval processes, and publication methods.

Publishing Content in AEM


This section delves into creating, customizing, and using workflows to automate content management processes.

Explore Workflows in AEM

Components & Templates

This section is crafted to help you understand and utilize AEM’s powerful features to create dynamic and engaging web experiences. Learn the best practices and insightful tips to maximize the effectiveness of your digital content.


Learn how to utilize AEM's diverse array of components—from text and image components to cards and interactive blocks. This section offers detailed instructions on how to effectively select, customize, and use components to enhance your web pages.



Templates are the frameworks that shape your site’s structure and design. Discover how to choose the right template for your content needs and customize it to maintain brand consistency across your digital landscape.


Content Fragments

Content Fragments let you design, create, curate, and publish page-independent content. They let you prepare content ready for use in multiple locations / over multiple channels, ideal for headless delivery.

Content Fragments

Experience Fragments

An Experience Fragment is a grouped set of components that when combined creates an experience. For example, a Title, Image, Description, and Call To Action Button can be combined to form a teaser experience.

Experience Fragments

Additional Resources

Keystone Design System

Principles, guidance, and code to help you design and build accessible, mobile-friendly websites and digital services for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Keystone Design System

Accessibility Best Practices

The Digital Accessibility Policy establishes specific standards and encourages agencies to address accessibility proactively.

Accessibility Best Practices

Content Guidelines

Our content guidance includes instructions on our voice and tone, as well as the details of our grammar and style. We employ clear, concise, and conversational language to create messages that provide users with the necessary information to achieve their goals.

Content Guidelines